Set-to-Sequence Methods in Machine Learning: a Review

Machine learning on sets towards sequential output is an important and ubiquitous task, with applications ranging from language modelling and meta-learning to multi-agent strategy games and power grid optimization. Combining elements of …

Directions in abusive language training data, a systematic review: Garbage in, garbage out

Data-driven and machine learning based approaches for detecting, categorising and measuring abusive content such as hate speech and harassment have gained traction due to their scalability, robustness and increasingly high performance. Making …

Mental Health-Related Conversations on Social Media and Crisis Episodes: A Time-Series Regression Analysis

We aimed to investigate whether daily fluctuations in mental health-relevant Twitter posts are associated with daily fluctuations in mental health crisis episodes. We conducted a primary and replicated time-series analysis of retrospectively …

Analyse: Sådan fordeler vælgerne sig på de sociale medier

Automatic Detection of False News

Characterizing the information content of Brown clusters

Kvinder nedgøres oftere end mænd i politiske debatter på sociale medier

Normalization of Imprecise Temporal Expressions Extracted from Text

Politikerne og vælgere har hver deres valgkamp på nettet

Rød blok diskuterer især klima, blå blok diskuterer flygtninge - men vælgerne diskuterer andre emner